Barbara Dershowitz, M.Ed., CAGS, CMP
Author, The Secret Life of Change
Creator, Barbara Dershowitz's The Threshold Event
Practical change management
for people and organizations
“I ease the way through change to a stable new normal that feels right and works to your best advantage.”
~ Barbara Dershowitz
Available Now
Hello, and welcome. I’m glad you’re here. Please come in, have a seat, and be comfortable. I want you to think of this as a safe place in a churning world of uncertainty and change.
Ah, change: an interruption in the status quo, a disruption in the way things normally are. It can be quite a nerve-wracking ride.
Change can come at you from any direction. It can show up in your relationships, your professional or academic career, your business, your health, your finances, your home. It can be self-sourced or it can be imposed by an outside force beyond your control. It can be gradual or sudden, positive or negative.
And unless you know how to manage it, change can really rough you up.
Among the more delightful symptoms people report when they’re confronted with
a significant personal or professional change are fear, paralysis, confusion, frustration, anger, depression, and anxiety. Change can make it hard to focus by day, and it can keep you up throughout the night. It can put your emotional and physical health in jeopardy, and it can impact your relationships and your performance in every aspect of your life.
If you’re experiencing any of this, I understand what you’re going through. I empathize with your situation.
And I want you to relax and put your burden down here.
Because the good news is this: Change doesn’t have to be a painful, chaotic experience.
The fact is, change is far less stressful and much more productive when you know how to think about it, when you know what to expect as you move through it, and especially when you know how to take control and manage it instead of letting change control and manage you.
Helping to ease the path of change - That’s where I come in.
I am a practical change management specialist. I’m all about managing the change process with practical strategies and systems that work for real people and real companies in the real world. My business, and my skill, is to mentor individuals and organizations through the thresholds of change, and deliver them, fully functioning, sane and intact, into a stable new normal that feels right and works to their best advantage.
My mission is for you to embrace the process of change, manage it, grow from it, and come out the other side stronger and more evolved than when you went in.
My areas of specialization include:
How to make the decision to change
How to accept when a decision to change has been made for you
How to generate enthusiasm for change, for yourself and among the people you need to be enthusiastic
How to clarify confusion over what’s going on
How to reverse resistance to change
How to embrace change when things can’t get any worse
How to begin forward movement and gain momentum
How to achieve perspective on where you’re coming from and where you’re headed
How to re-set systems and structures to accommodate your upcoming new normal
How to glide across the threshold into a new normal that feels right and works to your best advantage.
I know that’s a lot. And that’s not even all.
But for now, let’s start with this. I invite you to get a copy of my Free Report, 12 Signs You're Ready For A Change. Just click and it will be yours.
And if there’s a way I can be of service, I invite you to be in touch.

I have noticed that when Barbara Dershowitz is involved, things run a lot more smoothly.
Liat B.
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I'm Barbara Dershowitz, and I understand change. I understand what happens to people and organizations in the process of change, and I’ve devoted a good part of my life to mastering and managing change. My business, and my passion, is successfully mentoring individuals and companies through the thresholds of change and into a stable new normal...
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